AltEn Facility Remediation Response

Updates from the AltEn Facility Response Group (FRG) on remediation efforts at AltEn’s vacated ethanol production facility in Mead, Nebraska.

Please continue checking here for new information.

Wet Cake Solidification and Transportation Continues

NewFields Senior Engineer Bill Butler explains the process being used to solidify and remove wet cake from the AltEn site to be safely disposed at WM’s landfill. This work began as a pilot project and will continue. Stay tuned for additional updates coming soon.

Community Open House

AltEn Site Progress Update

Please join us for an informational meeting about progress at the AltEn site.

The Facility Response Group (FRG) has begun a new phase and our technical representatives will be on hand to share details, respond to questions and have information stations highlighting progress and next steps with the removal of the remaining materials from the site.


We hope to see you there!

Attendees are free to come and go at their convenience during the hours listed to the right. Light refreshments will be available.


Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023


5 to 6 p.m.

Open House

6 to 6:30 p.m.


6:30 to 8 p.m.

Open House continued with information stations


Encounter Life Ministries Church
1540 County Rd 10, Mead, NE 68041

Latest community updates

AltEn Community Update
An update on progress with removing wet cake from the site, in addition to lagoon-related activities, the latest on water treatment and land application, and groundwater analysis.
Wet Cake Pilot Project Resumes at AltEn Site
This video highlights activities at the AltEn site where the Wet Cake Pilot Project has resumed, noting several achievements and progress at the site.
AltEn Community Update
A progress report on the wet cake pilot project, in addition to odor control measures, air quality monitoring, lagoon liner removal, water treatment and land application, subsoil sampling results and other activities.

The responsible, safe remediation of the AltEn site in Mead, Nebraska.

The AltEn Facility Response Group (FRG), as part of Nebraska’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and under the direction of the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE), has stabilized the site.  

The FRG developed a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for water stored at the site and is committed to implementing the Water RAP. So far, the FRG has treated over 49 million gallons of process water – 31 million gallons of which has been applied to local farms as a beneficial nutrient source. 

The FRG also is developing a RAP for the on-site solids and continues to investigate remediation options for the solid materials at the AltEn site in order to submit the Solids RAP.


As this work continues, the FRG’s top priority is to ensure the continued safety of the surrounding community and environment. NDEE testing has consistently shown no evidence of impacts to water.


This website is a key resource for updates and information about the FRG’s remediation efforts. 

Steps the FRG and NDEE have taken to stabilize the site:

The AltEn Facility Response Group’s top priority is to help ensure the safety of the surrounding community and environment.