The below information has been provided in an effort to help keep the community informed on a more frequent basis about progress at the AltEn site.
Ever since AltEn ceased operations at its facility in Mead in 2021, the AltEn Facility Response Group (FRG) has been voluntarily working under the guidance of the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) to stabilize the AltEn site and develop a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for the site. The FRG’s top priorities have been and continue to be to help ensure the safety of the surrounding community and environment. To-date, there has been no evidence of impacts to local drinking water.
The FRG is working diligently with the NDEE to identify the most effective and safest methods to address the current environmental conditions on the AltEn site. The remedial action plans (RAP) will recommend remediation for components remaining on-site, including wastewater, sludge, and wet cake.
DECEMBER 13, 2023
AltEn Community Update
A progress report on key learnings and next steps for the Solid Waste Pilot Project, in addition to the latest updates on seed disposal, lagoon water treatment, land application and other activities.
Solid Waste Pilot Project - Key Learnings
The solidification and transportation non-hazardous wet cake is feasible. No transportation or disposal limitations were identified over the course of several weeks this Fall 2023, when we transported more than 10,000 tons of solidified wet cake to a landfill.

Solid Waste Pilot Project - Next Steps
The pilot continues in Spring 2024. We will also develop a wet cake remedial action plan next year.

Update: Lagoon Water Treatment and Land Application
Water continues to be pumped from the Northwest and Northeast Lagoons to an on-site treatment facility. Nearly 16 million gallons of water was treated in 2023, with just over 19 million gallons applied to land this year. Water treatment will continue through the Winter.

Other Site Activities
Results from subsoil samples taken at several locations in the consolidated wet cake pile are expected in January 2024. Solid samples were recently taken from the lagoon and additional testing will be performed.

Communications will be updated through the Winter months to note any significant site developments. Please continue checking the website for the latest updates.