The below information has been provided in an effort to help keep the community informed on a more frequent basis about progress at the AltEn site.
Ever since AltEn ceased operations at its facility in Mead in 2021, the AltEn Facility Response Group (FRG) has been voluntarily working under the guidance of the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) to stabilize the AltEn site and develop a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for the site. The FRG’s top priorities have been and continue to be to help ensure the safety of the surrounding community and environment. To-date, there has been no evidence of impacts to local drinking water.
The FRG is working diligently with the NDEE to identify the most effective and safest methods to address the current environmental conditions on the AltEn site. The remedial action plans (RAP) will recommend remediation for components remaining on-site, including wastewater, sludge, and wet cake.
OCTOBER 26, 2023
Update: Wet Cake Removal Begins During Pilot Project – Video and Photos
The pilot project to solidify and transport wet cake off-site has started. Best practices are being used to reduce dust and odors, in addition to monitoring AltEn site air quality and cleaning County Road 10.

A loader picks up solidified wet cake to place it in plastic-lined truck bed.

Solidified wet cake is placed in the lined truck bed and with the waste wrapped in plastic.

A wet cake-hauling truck runs through a wheel wash prior to exiting the AltEn site. Truck is tarped prior before leaving the AltEn site for disposal at Pheasant Point Landfill.