AltEn Community Update

An update on progress with removing wet cake from the site, in addition to lagoon-related activities, the latest on water treatment and land application, and groundwater analysis.

AltEn Community Update

A progress report on the wet cake pilot project, in addition to odor control measures, air quality monitoring, lagoon liner removal, water treatment and land application, subsoil sampling results and other activities.

AltEn Community Update

A progress report on the wet cake pilot project, in addition to odor control measures, air quality monitoring, lagoon liner removal, water treatment and land application, subsoil sampling results and other activities.

Drone Video Footage Captures Progress at AltEn Site

This video, using drone footage captured over the last three years, compares conditions at the abandoned AltEn site between the time the FRG began emergency actions and remediation in 2021 and progress made through March 2024.

AltEn Community Update

A progress report on the wet cake pilot project, in addition to lagoon water treatment and land application updates, and other site activities.

AltEn Community Update

A progress update on the solid waste pilot project, in addition to wet cake subsoil sampling, lagoon water treatment and land application, seed disposal, whale lancing, lagoon subsoil sampling and groundwater monitoring.

AltEn Community Update

A summary of progress at the AltEn site, including seed disposal, groundwater sampling, water treatment, land application and subsoil sampling.