Wet Cake Remedial Action Plan

One of many challenges to remediate the AltEn site in 2021 was the need to develop and implement a remedial action plan (RAP) to address an estimated 115,000 tons of wet cake and other solids at the site.

Since then, the AltEn Facilities Response Group (FRG) has worked to remove chemicals, debris, trash, and other materials from the site.

To prepare for wet cake removal, the FRG conducted a pilot study to determine the best approach for solidifying the wet cake so that it could be safely transported to an off-site landfill for disposal. The pilot was completed in two phases in Fall 2023 and Summer 2024. Based on successful pilot results, the FRG is continuing to remove wet cake from the site. The total quantity of solidified wet cake transported off-site to the landfill in 36,600 tons through last week, including both 2023 (10,200 tons) and 2024 (26,400 tons).

Using learnings from the pilot study, the FRG prepared a RAP for wet cake that was submitted to NDEE on August 23. The recommended remedial option presented in the RAP aims to safely and efficiently continue solidifying and removing it from the site and disposing of it at an off-site landfill approved by NDEE to receive this non-hazardous waste.

Wet Cake Remedial Action Plan Overview

The FRG submitted the Wet Cake Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to NDEE on August 23, 2024. The Wet Cake RAP recommends:

  • Solidifying the wet cake on-site so that it can be safely loaded into trucks and transported off-site
  • Transporting the solidified wet cake to and disposing of it in a landfill permitted by NDEE to receive this material.


The proposed RAP contains important environmental protection measures that will be implemented during the remedial action, including stormwater management, dust control, odor control, air quality monitoring, truck lining, truck tire washing, truck inspections and road cleaning.

The plan also includes a schedule of activity with an anticipated completion date in August 2025.