AltEn Community Update

A progress report on the completion of trash removal from the AltEn site, in addition to updates on the solid waste pilot project, seed disposal, groundwater and other activities.
AltEn Community Update

A progress report to update the NDEE on the status of the emergency response measures and interim response at the AltEn site.
AltEn Community Update

Groundwater monitoring, suppression of windblown materials, potential solutions for remaining wet cake and sludge solids, and upcoming spring land application
AltEn Solid Waste Pilot Program – Fact Sheet

A progress report to update the NDEE on the status of the emergency response measures and interim response at the AltEn site.
AltEn Facility Remediation Response – One Pager

A progress report to update the NDEE on the status of the emergency response measures and interim response at the AltEn site.
AltEn Community Update from the Facility Response Group

Groundwater monitoring, solutions for wastewater on the AltEn site, and potential solutions for remaining wet cake and sludge solids.
AltEn Community Update from the Facility Response Group

Groundwater monitoring, submission of the water RAP, and potential solutions for remaining wet cake and sludge solids.
AltEn Community Update from the Facility Response Group

Proposed remedies for wastewater on the site, repairs to the temporary Posi-Shell, and major initiatives underway.
Groundwater Delineation Work Plan

A progress report to update the NDEE on the status of the emergency response measures and interim response at the AltEn site.
AltEn Community Update from the Facility Response Group

A letter to the NDEE outlining the FRG’s response actions for the Northwest Lagoon, and Groundwater Delineation Work Plan.